Auxes // Ichkannnichtmehr (Gunner Records)

Gone are the subtleties that singer/bass player Dave Laney was known for in his previous post-hardcore troop MILEMARKER. In its place is full on rage, distrust and a steadfast belief in a punk rock vision that led to the band’s debut Sunshine in 2008. If you can get past the uninviting Ichkannnichtmehr album title and cover artwork you’ll discover some full on vitriol fuelled punk rock. Think PLANESMISTAKENFORSTARS at their most hook laden or HOT WATER MUSIC with a rocket up their arse and you are half way there. The track Art Criticism tells it like it is. Laney screams out “Fuck public relations” and in that he has expressed the key to this record. Ichkannnichtmehr is a statement of harsh intent, telling it like it is whether you want to hear it or not. Play it loud.

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